I never like to really complain about work, just the usual about "long day, tired this, tired that" sort of thing. I am really glad I have a job, I really am. But the truth is, that it's tearing me down! I thought I would blog to you lovelies, because maybe I'm not the only one in this predicament. Am I?
When I started, I had just gotten married and felt great! I had been working out 5 to 6 days a week for the last 6 months, which gave me confidence. I was buying a bit cuter clothes, my hair was done, and my makeup was done. Now, my clothes are all "work clothes", dirty with holes. My hair is never done for work, and I can't wear makeup because my skin has broken out the worst in my life due to stress. By the way, lol, I guess I forgot to mention what I do. I work at a warehouse moving boxes. Why? Well, I was tired of being a waitress, no longer need part time work as a student, and my anxiety in large crowds began to intrude. I had been doing bookkeeping at the restaurant and wanted to pursue that full time. I did a temporary position as a phone teller and part of it was wonderful, but there wasn't enough work to keep busy and my anxiety was getting worse because the training I got was so limited I didn't feel like I was helping customers as much as I could. My husband works where I do, so we now have the same schedule, which is a good part. I love seeing him on breaks and having him there to give me a smile. :) I've realized that the heavy work load (10 hour shifts, very heavy lifting) is weighing on me much more than I like. I don't like going out in public as much, my self esteem has gone way down, and I don't feel I can be the wife my husband deserves. So after alllll this explanation...I've decided to do my best to <3 me again. I thought I would share some steps I'm taking to make the days a little brighter!
For a couple weeks now, I have started replacing the soda I love at work, to drinking 2 liters of H20 a day!
It was hard at first but it's going much better now, and better yet I feel better about my choice.
I'm cutting back on the sugar!
If you know me personally, you know I'm a confessed sugar fiend. But maybe cutting back as much as I can will help me feel better about how I look...I'm taking it one day at a time.
Today I went tanning.

After my friend's wedding this summer, which means I will have a little extra cash after all the events to spare, I am gonna go to the salon and get my hair done completely different! Something new and maybe a pretty color! I think this will give a great boost of confidence.
And last but not least....running. I'm trying my absolute hardest, even if I can only muster it on the weekends!

Well lovelies, I know this was a long post, but it felt great to set all these goals down in print! Are you feeling low? What do you do daily to make yourself happy? Any suggestions? I would love to hear :) You're all worth the world lovelies.
If your job is draining you, you must find a new job! It is not worth the money to lose yourself. I think part of being a girl and having confidence comes from doing what makes you feel most comfortable. When I can express myself, ie. do my hair, wear somewhat what I choose for work, makeup, etc, I feel more me, and just better in general. I would definitely agree with drinking more water to feel better though! I have been trying that for some time now, very tough some days! I'm still working on a healthier diet... I think we all go through these times though. Just keep trying your best and forget the rest!! (as Rev Run would say! haha)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment :) I totally applied for a cake decorating position at Safeway today! I love your style and love Rev Run lol Keep on being amazing Liz!