Monday, December 26, 2011

{Instagram Christmas}

A tank with frogs and fish for my brother

my dad with the gift I got him.

My husband with his baby...Adio the cat.

playing swing with their 2nd cousin

Mama & Tommaso

Orr family on Christmas morning

Penguin appetizers. yum.

I think he liked it!
all set for dinner.
Traditional British Christmas Crackers..silly hats included :]

I hope everyone had the best holiday!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

{Start to Finish}

It's done! Construction on our very first home started in September 2011 and is now complete in December. It seems so crazy that a house can be built in just a matter of months. The process has been filled with excitement and nerves.  There has been a lot of paperwork, a lot of signatures, a lot of waiting, and still more paperwork ahead, but looking at the progress makes it all so worth it.  Here is a peek at how our new home came to be.

Night Lovelies!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

{modern stories}

I am absolutely obsessed at the moment with the show "Once Upon a Time" on ABC.  Waiting a whole week to find out what happens next is absolute torture.  I'll accept the bad special effects, it still has me biting my nails for whats to come.  I've been seeing a lot of outfit postings on Pinterest of fairy tale inspired clothing, and I absolutely love trying to figure out what characters in the show are what fairy tales by little hints they drop in clothing and accessories.  So here is a little stab at things anyone could wear to evoke a little story telling.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Our apartment notice is in: we are finally in transition mode! The next couple weeks are going to be full of organizing all of our extra stuff, so that it is all ready to be driven off to the new house.  I imagine it now to be this neatly organized process, but I'm sure it may be a mad scramble.  With work, Christmas, and cleaning the apartment after it is empty we have quite the work load.  It is so worth it though! It's starting to become real.  Seeing the house in almost its complete state, writing out our last ever rent's amazing!  The paperwork and loan stuff has been such a headache but that first night in our very own home will make it seem like some distant blur of a memory.  The holidays this year won't be as eventful but bring on the new year! I am so ready! The hubby and I used up our vacation hours for the first week of January. All we have to do is get through this last month.  I don't like asking Santa for much at Christmas time because giving gifts is my favorite part, but with such a big move I would be more than appreciative to Santa for a couple of these...

Any bit helps right? :)